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Virtual Retreat: Living the Beatitudes: Exploring the Contemplative Heart of Jesus' Words

  • Joyfulfillment ONLINE event United States (map)

These are USA Pacific times. The event is 1-4 pm USA Central time.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

- Matthew 5:8

In the contemplative depths of the Beatitudes, we find Jesus’ instructions for realizing the Kingdom of Heaven right here on earth. Especially as we revisit some of them with the help of translations from Aramaic, Jesus’ own language, we find layers of meaning buried in these ancient sayings. These sayings can inform our Centering Prayer and our relationship with God, with our world, and with the cosmos.

Teachings will be balanced with contemplative chanting, sacred movement, and Centering Prayer. Join us as we give ourselves―body, mind and emotion―to this labor of love.

Join us as we give ourselves―body, mind and emotion―to this labor of love.

Joy Andrews Hayter, Ph.D. is a spiritual director whose offerings include Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices of the Christian Wisdom tradition. These practices encourage us to lean into the Love that is constantly being offered within a relational web of Sacred Unity. As a scientist she sees in the physical world an expression of that love. Joy regularly offers retreats on Centering Prayer, often emphasizing the incarnational nature of the Christian path, and she regularly responds to questions about Centering Prayer in the Contemplative Outreach quarterly e-bulletin. You can find more about her at

How will the virtual retreat work?

You are invited to join us from your own home as we practice integrating prayer with our daily lives, in our homes, and in our circumstances as they are. Be met, exactly where you are, trusting that God’s love surrounds all of it, all of us, exactly as we are.